Technical analysis and evidence acquisition Whatsapp

Whatsapp is an instant messaging platform that allows users to send messages, photos, videos and audio files to each other. It is a popular platform that is used by billions of people around the world.

Technical analysis and evidence capture of the piattaforma:

The technical analysis of W The technical analysis process of Whatsapp

  1. Preparation: At this stage, the forensic professional collects information about the piattaforma
  2. Analysis: At this stage, the forensic professional analyzes the piattaforma
  3. Preservation: At this stage, the forensic professional retains the evidence acquired so that it can be used in court.


The acquisition of evidence of the piattaforma:

The technical analysis of W The technical analysis process of Whatsapp

The choice of acquisition method depends on a number of factors, including the needs of the survey and the characteristics of the device on which Whatsapp

Consuleria is a computer forensics consulting company that offers a technical analysis and evidence acquisition service of the piattaforma Our IT experts have extensive experience in mobile forensics and can help our clients get the evidence they need for their investigations.


Here is an example of how technical analysis and the acquisition of evidence of the piattaforma:


Imagine that a crime has been committed and that the police need to find evidence. The police may request technical analysis of the mobile phone of a suspicious person.


Our computer experts can analyze the suspect’s mobile phone to locate evidence relevant to the investigation. This evidence may include messaggi


For example, our cyber experts may be able to detectat


If you need a technical analysis and evidence acquisition service of the piattaforma Our IT experts will be happy to help you get the evidence you need for your investigation.